Saturday, October 15, 2016

ROBLOX's OOTW Week 3 || Halloween Edition!

Okay, I haven't posted one of these in a whiilleeee.... So I'm posting one now! It's almost Halloween! Yeet! Okie, so I'm going to try to find some friends that are wearing Halloweenish costumes and put them on here. Enjoy!


Happy Halloween guys!

Youtube Channel & Fanclub! :D

Alright, so I've had a Youtube channel for a while. But I don't think I've ever told you guys XD It's called Gryphxn ROBLOX if you'd like to check it out. Here's the link to it :P Yup. Then, I also made a fanclub in ROBLOX! I took a while to make it, so if you like my content do join! :D Here's the link: Yeah, so that's that. Just wanted to do a little update. I will post another OOTW today. They are hard work though because I have to update the names on the side everytime I do them << XD But yeah, it's coming out soon!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Trolling people || FAMOUS EDITION

Okay, so I went around to different servers and went to random people and told them I'm their biggest fan. I said I looked up to them and screamed and I was a huge fan of them. I acted like I was seeing Shedletsky. Anyway, it was pretty funny, and it made them happy to have a fan so win win, right? I took screenshots with them. Here are some of the screenshots!

Me and Paigecat777
Me and Awesomegirlnow1
Me and Crystalray1128
Me and Belalunastar123
That's all for now! I'll try to post later, and I'll either post an OOTW later today or sometime this week. Sorry I'm late! I've been really busy with stuff, like my grandpa visited and such. I hope you enjoyed this, and I'll really try to post later today.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

ROBLOX's OOTW Sep. Week 2

Well, I'm a little late. I was supposed to do it on Tuesday, but I forgot :P But hey, atleast it's the same week, right? XD Alrighty, here you go for our second annual OOTW!

Gryphxn's outfit:

XxrosexXyo's outfit:

Balzaik8988's outfit:

ICanHaveSomeFun's outfit:

Maplecherry's outfit:

Orbiee's outfit:

Hope you enjoyed this week's OOTW! Look out for more posts, everybody! ;P

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Messing around with Inspect Object :P

Okay, so you know when you right click and there's an option that says "Inspect?" Well, if you mess around with that you can do some pretty wacky things. Let's go!

Calm down ROBLOX

Alright, that's it. Hope you enjoyed! =D

Weird forums

Okay, I haven't posted in a while. Not because I forgot to, but because I just couldn't find anything interesting XD But I found some weird forums I'll show with you guys. I don't know if this will be a thing I do, but if I see more I'll post them!


Well, those were... interesting. I'll try to post more but ROBLOX isn't really interesting right now :P

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Clone Tycoon 2?! || Game Review

Okay, I'm just going to be honest. I really loved the first clone tycoon. It was really fun and addicting. Now, I see a "Clone Tycoon 2" on the front page. Let's check it out. Also, please note this is my first time playing this game. I have completely no idea what to expect. Let's get right into this. Here's the thumbnail:

Very nice looking.
That's a really cool layout!
That's really cool how there's 4 sections! I'm really excited for this game now.
That's a really cool tycoon system! I'm going to work on my tycoon so you can see what it looks like almost completed or completed.
XD My clone in battle and oh so obviously losing.
A little more updated base. And that's it! I rate this game a 10/10, it's really fun! =D I completely reccomend it. Hope you enjoyed this game review!

ROBLOX's OOTW September Week 1

Okay, you probably noticed I changed the name to ROBLOX's OOTW. Well, I decided to do it once a week because once a day was a little excessive :P So yeah! Just enjoy these outfits and stay tuned for more posts!

Gryphxn's outfit:
LoveDigital's outfit:
Briann9004's outfit:
Jimmyandyoyo's outfit:
Vivianalgarcia's outfit:
Katsepticeyee's outfit:
Hope you enjoyed this! Look out for more posts! :D

Monday, September 12, 2016

ROBLOX's OOTDs 9/12/16

Alright, let's get started, shall we? Okie C: Let'sa go!

Gryphxn's outfit:
Princesspandaelsa12's outfit:
Mydylan's outfit:
Mazereversebirth's outfit:
TonyFreewill's outfit:
Pinkcotton123's outfit:
Hope you enjoyed today's edition of ROBLOX's OOTDs! I'll try to post more later ;)